Beads - a computer music and sound art library for Java. This is the Beads Processing Tutorial. Follow these instructions to get started... -- 1. Download and install Processing -- Go to and download and install Processing for your platform. -- 2. Copy the Beads library into the Processing libraries directory -- Processing has a directory that contains 3rd party libraries. This is a directory called "libraries" inside the Processing sketchbook directory. Look in Processing's preferences to see where the sketchbook directory is, or change it. Move the "Beads" directory from the "Beads Processing Tutorial" directory into the libraries folder. Restart Processing. From the "Sketch" menu you should be able to see the "Beads" library in the list of libraries that are available for import. -- 3. Work through the examples -- Now work through the tutorials in the tutorial folder. Each tutorial is a Processing sketch and should open automatically in Processing when double-clicked.