Beads - a computer music and sound art library for Java. This is the Beads Eclipse Tutorial. Follow these instructions to get started... -- 1. Download and install Eclipse -- Go to the Eclipse downloads page at Choose "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and then choose your platform. Installation simply involves moving the 'eclipse' directory to your applications directory. -- 2. Set up Eclipse -- Run Eclipse. The first time you run Eclipse you will be asked to specify a working directory (workspace). This is where all of your Eclipse projects will be stored. Then you are offered some introductory material about Eclipse. Take a look around, or choose the "Go To The Workbench" option to get started. -- 3. Import the tutorial into Eclipse -- From the File Menu, choose "Import". Under "General" select "Existing Projects Into Workspace" and click "Next". You are then asked to "select root directory". Browse to the "Beads Eclipse Tutorial" directory and select "Choose". "Beads Tutorial" should appear in the list of projects. Click "Finish". You should now see "Beads Tutorial" appear in the "Package Explorer" column, on the left of your Eclipse Workbench. -- 4. Run the first example -- From within Eclipse, open the "Beads Tutorial" folder. Open "lesson1" and double click on "". The Java file will appear in the main editor. Click the green icon at the top that looks like a play button. The program will run, causing the worlds "Hello World" to appear in the console at the bottom. You can run all of the example Java files this way. The Java files contain the tutorials themselves, so that's the end of these instructions. Read "" for what to do next.